Government-Sponsored Psychics

The ’20s of the 21st century have promised to be just as disruptive if not more than the ’20s of the 1900s…

Alaina Loftus
4 min readMay 5, 2022

The study of parapsychology experienced newfound legitimacy after the CIA employed its novel weapon at the height of the cold war. This new intelligence-gathering frontier involved technology developed as a retaliatory maneuver when it was revealed that Russian spies had been inexplicably discovering the most classified secrets through remotely viewing target sites. The CIA began a project previously inconceivable, its primary purpose including, “Identify the underlying mechanisms of Anomalous Mental Phenomenon…the degree to which foreign activities in AMP represent a threat to national security, [and] developing countermeasures to neutralize this threat(1994, USAF LTG J.R. Clapper, Jr.) The resulting countermeasure is now known publicly as remote viewing, also known as RV.

Remote Viewing is essentially a formulaic approach to clairvoyance that is applicable practically to almost anyone. Yes, even you! I didn’t believe it either, but we’ll get to how you could possibly change your mind after a brief recap. The process is necessarily simple, lest the conscious mind take over. The concept of a self and a higher consciousness of which we are a part has been around since the dawn of deities and was introduced by Freud to the framework of psychology as the id, ego and the super-ego. Engineering the controlled remote viewing (CRV) program, the RV unit of the CIA’s Stargate Project at Stanford Research Institute discovered that the left brain and right brain can access and communicate information of which the conscious observer was unaware. A method was employed to assist the seemingly separate consciousnesses in communicating with one another without the self getting in the way. In other words, most peoples’ thinking brains and their feeling brains can actually access information from any point in time and space when one’s own preconceptions are eliminated, and there is a method to this madness.

The Stargate Program was eventually shut down upon declassification under the claim that no actionable findings resulted from it, yet it was the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) that funded the program’s continuance for a decade after adopting the program from the CIA in the first place, or as the Federation of American Scientists writewhen Army funding ended in late 1985, the unit was redesignated SUN STREAK and transferred to DIA.” Further, in 2014 “the Office of Naval Research (ONR) hosted leading experts in neural, cognitive and behavioral science to synchronize their studies of intuition and translate their findings into applications for military personnel and first responders.” Government funding of programs that seek to understand and incorporate parapsychological research into the military industrial complex’s arsenal has clearly continued well into modern times.

One renowned CRV Trainer, Lyn Buchanan, was transferred from his position in the military to the Stargate Program when his psychic abilities were recognized. By this time the DIA had taken over the program. Upon retirement from the US Army Lyn Buchanan started a data analysis company which, after declassification of the Stargate Program in 1995, began to teach CRV to the public and also computerized the process of analyzing remote viewer error rates. He also developed “The Assigned Witness Program” as a free service to the police and publicly funded investigative agencies. One of his protégés, Lori Williams, went on to develop a comprehensive four day masterclass on CRV free to the public in a continued effort to raise humanity’s consciousness awareness.

The method is more elaborate than one would think such a seemingly intuitive process would require. This is partially to keep the conscious observer from trying to understand the incoming information through the lens of understanding of the self, and also to facilitate clear communication between the left and right brains. Once given an encoded target, the remote viewer briefly describes any and all information that pops into their conscious experience of the world and summarizes what they are able to perceive. It all happens so fast, in fact, that when you see a picture of what you’ve just described you may consider that time has begun to flow in reverse. I can assure you, time is as constant as it has ever been. We all just might be a little bit psychic.

Still not convinced? Check out Third Eye Spies for more comprehensive evidence and professional endorsement. Would you turn down a free opportunity to experience your own psychic abilities? With a purported 80% CRV success rate, I predict you will be joining the ranks of civilian psychics in the near future.


Third Eye Spies



Alaina Loftus

A late-diagnosed autistic employs her systems-thinking in the interdisciplinary pursuit of proving the evidential, historical link between science and religion.